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Change the Registration Process, Please

By: Kristina Mata

Ardrey Kell recently went through registration, a mandatory process each year for all rising freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. But it was only the beginning of February! Much too early to decide what we want to learn next year. This often causes confusion and rushed decision making . Here are a few reasons the registration process needs to change:

Time- The biggest problem with this process is the time constraints. Registration takes place all in one week. We never really have time just to sit down and think about what we want to do, especially if we’re preoccupied with extracurriculars, jobs or just a ton of homework. How could we have time to focus on our future classes when we have things to do now? The time period for registering for classes needs to be longer. Extending it by another week would be good.

Powerschool- Powerschool is another problem that goes along with the time constraints. As many people know, the program was down all during the weekend. This didn’t help for online registration, which was first due on Friday, but then extended to Monday night. The site was supposed to come back up Sunday night, and it did, but it was late when it finally did. This is probably why some students didn’t have their online registration in. Powerschool has another issue. People had difficulty finding some classes. For example, the class International Marketing, was under Honors International Marketing, which isn’t too different, but it still made navigating online registration difficult. Fix these issues by giving us more time to register and making sure the courses on the card match the courses online.

Recommendations- Here’s the thing: registration takes place about ten days into the new semester. Our teachers, for semester classes at least, don’t know us that well. They don’t know how we’ll do in a class, so why would they recommend us for an upper level class? This problem is even more relevant when applying for AP classes. I’ve heard many students panicking about how they can’t get signatures from their current teachers for AP classes. They end up searching for their teachers from the previous year, but that can also serve as a problem. You can’t always find these teachers. Maybe they moved classrooms and you don’t know where to find them, or maybe they don’t even teach here anymore. This applies to almost half of my teachers from last year. The only option would be to get my current teacher’s signature. We shouldn’t be expected to get our teachers to recommend us when they don’t know us. On top of that, teachers don’t always allow us to obtain signatures during class, giving us even less time to get them. Registration needs to be later in the school year.

Ardrey Kell’s registration process needs to be amended. If it is, then it will prove much less stressful on the students. Rushing us through this process is the worst part. We need time to decide our futures, especially for rising upperclassmen, so give us time. The best change that could be made is extending its time period. Come on, AK. There’s no need for this to be so early and quick. Let’s change.




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