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Craziest Requests Don’t Faze These Hotels

By: Ariel Brittain

When working in a hotel, one mostly encounters normal requests such as a fork, maybe a box of tissues, but a unicorn? Here’s a list of some of the strangest requests from hotel guests.

Hump Day: While staying at the Loews Ventana Canyon resort in Tucson, Arizona, a guest asked the lead concierge where he could purchase two of the finest camels. The very serious concierge found a dealer that was willing to sell him the camels, but the guest refused to purchase them. The guest said that one of the camels had “a missing hump”; therefore, it was inferior to the other. That poor camel must be very sad on Wednesdays.

Unicorn Time: In Asheville, North Carolina, a guest staying at the Hotel Indigo requested a unicorn upon his arrival. To his surprise, when he got to his suite there was a unicorn plush toy and a note. The note below was written by the concierge, Katy Brown, and, after being read by the guest, it was given to CNN. It says: “Beloved Guest, We saw your request for a unicorn. Unfortunately this is the wrong season. Due to their migratory habits, unicorns currently inhabit the second star to the right of twilight. They are expected to return to Asheville sometime this June. In the meantime (as Asheville is known among many circles as the Unicorn Capital of the South), we hope that you can accept this very accurate artist rendition of our native fauna. If this is unacceptable, we do profusely apologize. As you are not the first guest to express interest in our local wildlife, we have planned a meeting with the head unicorn, Lord Mangus Biffy of the Rainbows on perhaps adjusting his peoples/horses/mythical creatures move to somewhere outside the universe to better align with our guest wishes. Our sincerest apologies, The Society of Proper and Right Unicorn Caretaking.” How’s that for room service?

Fine Beef for a Fine Pooch: In the heart of Westminster, London, a guest vacationing at St. Ermin’s Hotel wanted a daily supply of the juiciest Kobe beef for his dog. The hard-working concierges bought the beef from a nearby fine-dining restaurant and served it to the pooch daily. The shocking part of it all was that two 150-gram (or 0.33lb) Kobe beef steaks cost around £33.95 (or $50) in England.

100 Pink Flamingos: At The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a guest requested exactly 100 plastic pink flamingos to be scattered around the suite as a joke. The concierges and other hotel staff remain unsure of what went down with those 100 birds, but they made sure to fill every corner of the room– even the bathroom. Talk about a joke!

This Little Piggy Went…: For our last and final crazy hotel request, we had to go out with a bang. Or should I say “oink”? The following letter was written to the general manager at Days Inn Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, and was later sent to “My baby Billy, who is a cute snorkeling piglet, is my most treasured pet that I cannot go anywhere without. … Billy just has a little problem: every hour he likes to go outside and play with his soccer ball that he pushes around with his little snout. I tend to keep to his every hour playtime schedule because if not he’ll throw a fit and oink all night. … We want to ask if we’d be able to reserve a room near an exit door with two beds? I did forget to mention that Billy sleeps in his own bed with a fluffy pillow that he loves to lay his small pudgy head upon. By the way, it has been two years [since] Billy has had a runny accident on the bed. I admit that day he had that awful accident was my fault, because I overfed him beans with a chalupa. […] I do promise that you will not have to worry about another accident because that is the last time I would ever feed him beans and chalupas.” It’s uncertain whether or not the request was carried out. Either way, Billy is one snazzy swine.

Whether it’s a unicorn or even a 100 plastic pink flamingos, these guests definitely know how to vacation in style. And the concierges? Well, they get a story that can entertain for a lifetime.


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