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Create Lasting Memories with Journals

By: Sydney Nazloo

The four years spent in high school are the some of the most memorable and formative of a person’s life. So much happens that it can be difficult to keep track of everything you experience. Keeping a journal is the best way to document the exciting and formative years that lie ahead, but it can be difficult to know where to start.

Step 1: The Journal This seems like the obvious first step but don’t underestimate its importance. If you don’t like your journal, you’ll be less likely to write in it regularly. Find a notebook that fits your personal style. If you’re looking for something classic, Moleskine is always a good option. If you want something unique, try Esty. If all else fails, a classic composition book or spiral bound notebook works perfectly.

Step 2: The Perfect Pen This step is optional but is recommended if you’re very particular about how you like things to look. The perfect writing utensil can make the journaling experience more enjoyable. Choosing the right pen is mostly up to trial and error. Buy a pen and try it out. If you don’t like it, try a new one. If you do like it, stock up so you’ll always have some on hand. (Personal note: I swear by Pilot G2 07 pens. The color is super saturated and they come in a huge variety of colors)

Step 3: Ideas Actually writing in your journal is the hardest part. It can be difficult to know what to write about. Here is a list of random journal topics. Below are some other ideas of things you can put in your journal

  1. Poems

  2. Stories

  3. Drawings

  4. Comics

  5. Lists

  6. Doodles

  7. Ideas

Anything you want can go in your journal. It doesn’t have to be pretty; it just has to be a reflection of you .


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