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Epic Senior Pranks

By: Victoria Smurr

Throughout the years, senior pranks have been a tradition in which the seniors like to “pull one over” on the rest of the school. Some senior pranks are more memorable and epic than others. Here are some of the best senior pranks from the past few years:

Craigslist Last year, the seniors of Southern Guilford High School pulled the ultimate prank. They decided to put their school up for sale on Craigslist. They cleverly made the price $2,014 to represent their class graduation year. In their advertisement, they even listed the underclassmen as part of the sale.

The Three Pigs The Three Pigs prank is an ingenious joke. Seniors brought two pigs into the school and labeled them 1 and 3. Then when the school officials tried to get the pigs out of the school, they were confused while searching for the second pig. Unfortunately for administrators, there never was a pig number 2 to find.

Stuck on It Who doesn’t love sticky notes? They provide a safe and fun tool used for senior pranking. In the past, seniors have stuck sticky notes on many different things throughout the school. One class stuck them all over the principal’s office, others sticky-noted the hallways and some even put them on the principal’s car.

Dixie Cups Another classic prank that has been pulled by many classes of seniors is filling the hallway with Dixie cups holding water. It is a hilarious (although tedious) prank that leaves seniors feeling great amounts of satisfaction. They just take a bunch of small paper cups and fill them about 1/4th of the way up and place them all over the school hallways, stairwells and bathrooms.

Although these pranks were iconic and funny, they shouldn’t necessarily be taken as a good example. Most senior classes come up with more practical and less grand, though memorable, pranks to keep the tradition light-hearted.


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