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It’s About Time for Same Sex Marriage

By: Zoe Santiago

Being gay is now in. North Carolina has dropped the ban on same-sex marriage. Around 20 couples stood outside the Mecklenburg County courthouse at 8 a.m. on October 10, 2014, to get married, and the first marriage license in North Carolina was issued to Torrence Hall and Christopher DeCaria.

This is a turn-around for mankind, as now we have 30 states with legal gay marriage. We are finally accepting the rights of all human beings and not just the ones we think are “normal.”

When two people are in love I believe they should have the right to express their feelings and be with a person of their choosing. This new ruling gives me hope that our more conservative population is finally realizing that love is an inalienable right, on which no one’s ideology should be allowed to place limits.

And yet my hope is only a cautious one, as right now NC Republican legislators are fighting to overturn the ruling in an effort to uphold the gay marriage ban. If they win, North Carolina will return to a sort of dark age, in which human beings are denied the right to pursue happiness.

North Carolinians have a moral responsibility not to let this happen. Citizens should be actively protesting any effort to bring the marriage ban back.  Write to your elected representatives and urge them to remember their commitment to equal rights for all.


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