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Random Acts Of Kindnes

By Madison McManus

“It’s just been one of those days.”

Generally, the connotation of that phrase cannot be interpreted as anything but negative. To be more specific, it’s typically used to express exasperation, exhaustion, a weariness that requires either a long nap or a large cup of coffee (or sometimes both).

Despite the fact that this feeling seems to be universal, it happens to be one of the most challenging symptoms to diagnose when attempting to spot a sufferer of an all-out mood-dampening, spirit-dissolving day. Although the aforementioned remedies provide a source of temporary relief, there is another option that allows you to brighten the day of anyone that may need a mood boost: a random act of kindness.

From sharing your umbrella with someone on a particularly rainy day to leaving an uplifting message in a library book, there are more than a few ways to bring a smile to a stranger’s face.




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