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Social Media Addiction Can Be Helped

Updated: Feb 1

By: Holly Mason

In today’s world, social media has taken over. As soon as they wake, teens check their phones. Whether in class or even while driving, teenagers are constantly consuming social media. Heavy use of social media is, according to a study in the Journal of Consumer Research, linked to binge eating, overspending, and high BMI (body-mass index) score. Many people also feel that social media has taken away from genuine face-to-face interaction.

This evidence against social media has led to a flood of people participating in ‘digital detoxes’, where the participant either turns off all electronics (computer, cell phone, tablets, etc.) for at least twenty-four hours or abstains from social media sites in general.

In general, there are no direct physical side effects to social media addiction. Many users complain of carpal tunnel syndrome, difficulty sleeping, noticeable weight gain or loss and backaches. Other warning signs include social isolation, losing track of time when on the web and feeling guilty about the amount of time spent on the internet.

For any individual who fears he or she may have a social media addiction, or just wants to cut down on screen time, there are a few easy steps to take.

  1. Limit screen time. Set personal boundaries for where devices can be used. Studies show that keeping all electronic devices out of the bedroom greatly improves sleep problems. Many computers, including Mac, have settings that can be set to shut off the system at a chosen time each day.

  2. Get rid of excess apps. Deleting social media apps such as Twitter or Facebook from phones or tablets will dramatically cut down usage. This isn’t as permanent as deleting accounts and will enable users to reactivate when they feel ready.

  3. Try helpful software. Free software like can temporarily deactivate and physically block chosen sites.


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