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Weird World Records

By: Kristina Mata

World records: they’re either amazing, weird or just plain out-there. They’re all compiled into one book: The Guinness Book of World Records. A new edition is released every year with updated records, and the book is always an interesting read. However, you can find a few of these records online on the Guinness World Record website. There are some typical records like the world’s tallest man, but there are others that are a stretch. Here are a few of the stranger records.

Most times hit by a car in two minutes: Does this man have a death wish, or is he just super brave? Dietmar Loffeler holds the record with a eight full frontal hits. That can’t be healthy, though he must be tough if he can withstand that force.

Largest human image of a music instrument: This record was set last year in celebration of the 2014 Nice Jazz music festival in Nice, France. With over 1,500 people participating, the people of Nice formed a 53 meter saxophone. Other records like this include the largest human awareness ribbon and the largest image of an ear formed by humans.

Fastest 100 meter hurdles wearing swim fins: Can you say oddly specific? It’s a wonder that anyone would even think about this, let alone setting the record, which is 14.38 seconds by the way. The record was set in 2008 by Christopher Irmscher.He definitely has some great coordination. Maybe there’s a particular technique to it.

Most canned drinks opened by a parrot in one minute: Set in 2012, the record is held by a macaw named Zac living in San Jose, CA. This parrot was able to open 35 drink cans in a minute. That’s one thirsty bird!

Most M&M’s eaten in one minute blindfolded using chopsticks: While using chopsticks is difficult for some, apparently it poses no problem to Ashrita Furman, who ate twenty M&M’s in one minute. Interestingly enough, Furman is known for holding many other records. Many of them are just as out there, but one thing’s for sure: he’s dedicated.

It seems that people will do anything to hold a famed world record, and while it can be ridiculous, the hard work of record holders is something to be admired. Whether it’s training their body or their pet bird, people work hard to get their name out into the world. Who knows? Maybe with hard work, creative thinking, and dedication, you too can set your own record.


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