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What Makes Up a Good Concert Experience?

By: Alejandro Lopez

Concerts, music festivals and live performances in general are the chief source of income for the majority of music artists in this day and age. This is undeniably the greatest and most lucrative era the music touring industry has ever seen. With such a huge market for live shows, more and more teens are able to see their favorite artists right before their very eyes, but concerts vary in quality. There are three components, regardless of the artist, that make a concert worth every cent of a fan’s money: the crowd, the energy and the set list. These three distinct categories make a show worthwhile.

You’ve been waiting months for this show. You’ve downloaded all the band’s songs and memorized all their lyrics. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. The band begins playing and almost instinctively, you begin screaming their lyrics until you notice that something is off. Absolutely no one in the crowd is moving or singing. Everyone is just standing there; the majority of them are on their phones. It bothers you a little bit, but you shake it off and try to keep the energy alive. Finally, the last song rolls around and you realize you’re the only one watching the actual performance. The moral of the story is a terrible crowd does throw off the dynamics of the show significantly. For most performers, audience interaction is key and motivates an artist to do their very best. Would you want to perform for a crowd of hundred people who are all looking down on at their phones? Of course not. While it’s up to the artist to give a fantastic show, it’s also up to the crowd to give the artist a reason to put on such a fantastic show.

Artists who have been on the road hundreds of times are naturally going to put on a quality show. That’s just a fact. Like anything, practice makes perfect. Take, for example, the world-renowned recording artist, Beyoncé. As a modern music mogul, she is hailed on stages around the globe. Her dynamic, highly choreographed performances have led to critics applauding her as one of the best entertainers in contemporary popular music. Beyoncé is no stranger to the stage, and what makes her such an fantastic performer is the energy she brings to her shows. It could be your first time listening to Beyoncé, but if you get the chance to see her perform, there’s no doubt you’ll be standing up and having as good a time as her longterm fans. Beyoncé, along with other artists who are touring veterans, know exactly what gets a crowd engaged in a performance. On the other hand, that does not mean a show will be terrible if the artist is new to touring. Many live performances depend on skill and raw talent, but don’t underestimate the power of sheer energy to produce an equally enjoyable experience. The energy or passion an artist brings to the stage will certainly make for an unforgettable performance. A slow song with passion can have just as much energy as any fast-paced guitar solo.

A good set list is also important. The point of a set list is to have the right songs played according to the crowd’s mood. A great concert should have peaks and should flow in harmony with the audience’s mood at the time. A set list is an essential basic, but some of the more daring live bands in the world don’t bother to work with a set list. They respond to what the crowd wants instinctively. Jerry Garcia put it best when he said “The audience is like a member of the band.”

Even if the crowd is terrible, the performance is mediocre and you love the artist, you’re still likely to have a great time. Knowing the lyrics to every song and leaving a venue with your voice completely gone is an immense feeling. There is no shame in being a huge fan and chances are, your fellow concert-goers will admire your enthusiasm. For many, an ideal show will include a few super-fans who are singing all the words, dancing, exchanging energy with the band and giving energy to the crowd as well. You will absolutely enjoy a concert more if you brush up on their discography before the show too.


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