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Bucket List for the College Student

Updated: Apr 24

By: Nicole Pierce

When you ask your parents, friends, teachers or even your grandparents about college they all begin to run on about incredible memories they have. College is a completely different environment from the one we grow up in and can either be one of the best experiences or one of the worst. Here are a few items you could check off during your time at college so one day you can be the one telling your stories.

  1. Explore your surrounding town: Tired of staying on campus or going home for the weekend? Use this as a perfect opportunity to find out what your college town has to offer. Eat out at notorious, crowd-pleasing restaurant or take sightseeing tour.

  2. Join a club: The best way to meet new people is to join a club or local organization; it’s a great excuse to get involved with your school and get to know people who have the same interests as you

  3. Protest something: Let your opinions be heard on campus, pick up a sign and speak your mind.

  4. Study abroad: If your school offers a study abroad program, take complete advantage of it. Learning about the culture of another country could be the experience of a lifetime.

  5. Take a class for pure enjoyment: It’s hard to stay motivated in classes you are required to take. Register for a class that you want to show up for. Whether it’s because you love the subject or the professor, enjoying a class can make your college experience far more rewarding.

  6. Invest in an internship: It’s easy to get a jump start on what the job world is like. Take a trip to your school’s library and research on-campus or off-campus internships related to your major. This will help you get an understanding of what your future may hold.

  7. Participate in school traditions: Most universities have their own superstitions and traditions that may have been established years ago, and these traditions unify all the students and staff. Who knows, maybe falling in with the local superstition will bring you good luck on that test you didn’t study for.


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