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Declassified APUSH Survival Guide

Written by Rebekah Nowacky

If you’re considering taking or dropping (who could blame you) APUSH by the time amnesty day comes around, you need to know the facts.

So first and foremost, don’t let the rumors totally ruin your image of the class: it’s not as bad as some make it out to be. That being said, the rumors about the workload are not unfounded. You will ultimately need to manage your time in such a way that you can handle both article and textbook reading, not to mention a notebook full of terms that need defining (even researching) every unit. Or you could adopt my policy (and by my policy I really mean like 8/10 APUSH students’ policy) of waiting till the last minute and suffering 2000 times more. You will have homework every night, and whether it be an article or textbook reading (God bless the review videos), you will always have something to do, with the occasional and merciful exception.    

But fret not, all you AP junkies, I am making it out to be a bit worse than it really is. With proper time management and by paying attention in class you can definitely do well enough to earn that ever elusive A. Ms. Cerbone is one of the few teachers who manages to insert humor and education  into class, even in a first block class on a Monday. Ms. Cerbone is clearly a teacher that loves her subject (not to mention knows absolutely everything about it) and expects the best her students can give.  

All in all, this isn’t the class for slackers, nor is it a class, contrary to Ardrey Kell legend, that completely drains your soul. The level of soul draining completely depends on your own work ethic and your willingness to learn and put forth the effort required to succeed. It’s no doubt a challenging class, but if you’re passionate about history, or you want to take a look at the long list of America’s dirty laundry, or you just really love doing lots of work, APUSH is a worthwhile class, and one that I thoroughly enjoy.

*Disclaimer: I am currently in APUSH, the info in this guide is purely based on my experience thus far, and I cannot offer any insight on the AP exam.


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