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The Right Study Strategy Can Make a Difference

Updated: Apr 29

By: Sarah King

Second semester is well under way, and by now, if you don’t need to boost your grades, maintaining them is still important. In order to achieve your goals for the year, great study habits are necessary, and the following tips will help you. Keep in mind that everyone is different and the following ideas will have differing results depending on the person. So try some new techniques and find what works best for you.

  1. It has been proven that cramming the night before a test is not as effective as studying for a few minutes each night. Space out your studying and review a topic each night for the best test results.

  2. Don’t just memorize for the test. Although memorizing everything will help you for the immediate exam, as soon as the test is over, you will most likely forget what you have just memorized. Instead, make sure you really understand everything so your brain will retain it, which will help you when you’re studying for the midterm and final.

  3. While you are studying, chew a piece of gum, and right before your test, start chewing the same flavor of gum. This will trigger your brain to remember what you have studied.

  4. Listen to wordless relaxing or classical music while studying. You will be able to focus more on your work and study better if there is calming music playing. A good music suggestion is the Deep Focus playlist by Spotify or the Classical for Studying playlist by Pandora.

  5. Don’t stay up too late the night before a big test. Studies show that after your normal bedtime passes, you will not remember everything you are studying, no matter how long you study it. Try to go to bed at your usual time in order to remember most of what you have studied. Never pull an all-nighter before a test!

  6. Take advantage of your textbook. Even though your teachers usually cover most or all of the material, it doesn’t hurt to skim your textbook for additional information and review before a test.

  7. Ask questions in class or go to tutoring if you are confused. Your teachers most likely have a tutoring schedule, and it is beneficial to go to a session when you are not sure what will be on the test.


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