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Touring Colleges? Follow these Tips

By: Katie Devoe

Juniors usually visit colleges in the spring or summer before they graduate.  Touring colleges is exciting because it is the first time students are able to decide where they will live and what they will learn during their college years.  College road trips can influence teens’ choices about the schools they will apply to in the fall of their senior year.  There are several specific steps the college tour should include.

Take a Tour:  It is important to see the campus by walking around or taking a guided tour.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions about student life or education during the tour because it is the tour guides’ job to help you. Also tour the dorms because it is good to get a handle on the living situations at each university you’re interested in.

Visit the Cafeteria:  Eating good food is an essential part of being healthy and happy, so check out the food options on campus.  Most colleges allow prospective students to eat in the dining hall for free or at a discounted price.

Keep an open mind and be comfortable:  Touring a campus can be tiring since it takes a while, but be prepared with water and good walking shoes.  Don’t let one negative comment about a college from your friend change your view of it.

Talk to Students:  Current students can answer questions and give you insight about the people that go to a college you’re interested in.  Talking to students can reveal the quality of life and education they have at that college.

Meet a Professor:  Earning a degree is the purpose of college and it should be a priority to find out if the college you are visiting has high quality education.  Before going to visit colleges, look online to see the majors that are offered at each one. Some colleges have open houses where it is possible to meet professors from the different educational departments.

The experience of visiting a campus leaves a greater impression on prospective students more than pictures do.  Being able to tour a college, taste the food and interact with students or teachers on a campus allows students to experience what a college is like first hand.


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