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Using LinkedIn

Updated: Apr 24

By Angela Ge

​As students search for jobs, take part in internships, and transition to the professional world, it’s important to know how to use professional tools. One important tool is the online platform called LinkedIn. Through LinkedIn, people can connect with others in a professional context and find various educational and job opportunities. As the world’s largest professional networking platform, LinkedIn offers many potential contacts, opportunities, and resources that are helpful for networking, job-searching, and more.

Making a Profile

When creating a profile on LinkedIn, keep in mind that this is different from other social networking sites. Unlike typical social media sites, LinkedIn should strictly focus on your educational and professional background only.

Your profile photo should have good lighting and a plain background. Remember to wear modest clothing and have tidy hair. You can wear makeup if necessary, but be careful not to be too bold or excessive (try to go for a natural look). If possible, refrain from using a selfie, as that is considered unprofessional.

In the About section, keep the information brief. Include academic, volunteer, or job experiences, such as the school you currently attend and any internship or volunteer experiences you may have had, and mention any skills or areas of expertise you may have.

For example:

I am a student at Ardrey Kell High School hoping to study computer science in college. This is my fifth year volunteering at Organization X and my second year as a youth leader. Last summer, I interned with Company Y in a three-week program, studying the intersection between psychology and data. I am also certified in Microsoft Office. With a passion for children and music, I have been giving piano lessons to students ages 5 to 12 for three years.

There are many other sections, including Work Experience, Education, and Volunteer Experience, where you can go into more detail about your experiences.

You can also list skills, honors, awards, and achievements in their respective sections. Remember that the information should be concise and relevant.


Connecting with people on LinkedIn is a great way to stay in touch with people you’ve met in a  professional setting, such as a job fair or internship. By connecting with others, you have more access to potential resources and opportunities.

Start by connecting with people you already know personally, such as friends, classmates, and co-workers. As you continue to meet people in a professional setting, you might want to contact them and request a connection on LinkedIn.

Here is a sample request you might send to someone you met once:

Hello Mrs. Smith,

My name is Jim and I’m in the A Program with Company X. We met briefly at the conference today. I wanted to thank you again for your presentation - it was very insightful and answered my questions about ABC. May I connect with you?

Notice that Jim gave a bit of information about himself and reminded Mrs. Smith how they know each other. He also thanked her for her presentation, demonstrating that he appreciates her work. This shows Mrs. Smith that he is genuinely interested in what she does and is not merely seeking a connection.

Other Tips

LinkedIn allows its users to do and access many things, including endorsing one another’s skills, giving recommendations, and posting important updates and milestones. Here are some final tips on using LinkedIn.


  • Maintain professional etiquette

  • Emphasize what you can contribute

  • Be proactive with reaching out

  • Respond to others promptly

  • Seek opportunities - there are a lot out there!

  • Share media that promotes your organization (if applicable)

  • Share big milestones (e.g. graduation, job anniversaries)

  • Try to stay away from controversial topics (e.g. politics)


  • Post about your personal life

  • Send LinkedIn requests to people you don’t know

  • Spam your connections

  • Be plain with your connection requests

  • Leave your profile blank or neglect updating it

  • Use multiple profiles

  • Include outdated honors and awards

  • Sell yourself short​

LinkedIn has a lot to offer its users. If used correctly, it can be a gamechanger for your professional life. Good luck!


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