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Wacky Sports: Taser Ball Offers Great Shock Value

By: Kaylan Cox

Ultimate Tazer Ball is “more intriguing than the usual sports,” according to its inventor, Leif Kellenberger. Tazer Ball began with Kellenberger and his friends, Eric Prumann and Erik Wunsch, in California and is now being played all over the country.

Currently, four teams participate in tournaments: the Philadelphia Kilowatts, the San Diego Spartans, the Toronto Terror and the Los Angeles Nightlight. They play for prizes like money and tickets for music concerts and other athletic events. This keeps players involved in the the sport and provides motivation.

The game is rather simple for spectators trying to follow the action. Two teams of four are pitted against each other on a 200×85-foot field in a race to carry a medicine ball to the opposing team’s goal. While competing, players attempt to stop the carrier of the medicine ball with tasers, which hold three to five milliamps. This voltage can temporarily disrupt muscle and nerve function as well as cause pain. Players may be stunned as many times as their opponents wish, which generally ends up being between 30 and 40 times per game. Potential players are warned that if fear is a problem, they should opt not to play.

The creators of Tazer Ball hope it will be played for years and will travel around the world . However, as of now it is not funded by a corporation, so players do not receive paychecks, as in other sports. These players take part in this sport for enjoyment, not the perks.


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